If you’re still not sure about breastfeeding your newborn baby, I would recommend reading this blog
and I’m pretty sure you’ll change your mind, or at least give yourself a chance to enjoy the benefits for
you both.
Breastfeeding has long-term benefits for you and your baby. Any amount of breast milk has a positive
effect and it’s better for them than none at all. The longer that you breastfeed, the longer the
protection lasts and the greater the benefits.
The main benefits for you
- Reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
- Reduces the risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
- Speeds up the process of helping your uterus reducing back down to a normal size after your baby is born (encouraging normal uterine contractions).
- Helps you to build a strong and emotional bond with your baby.
- Burns off calories and helps you to lose weight.
- Allows you to provide breast milk for your baby whenever they need it.
- Improved sleep and relaxation.
- No extra cost (formula milk is very expensive).
- Missing less workdays because your baby is less likely to be sick.
The main benefits for your baby
- Protects them from infections causing diarrhoea or vomiting.
- The antibodies help your baby to fight against infections.
- Provides the combination of vitamins and nutrition.
- Easier to digest than formula.
- Reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
- Reduces the risk of childhood leukaemia.
- Lower the risk of food allergies, asthma, eczema and skin rashes
- Helps to develop mouth and facial muscles
To summarise, it’s never too late to start thinking about how you’re going to feed your baby, but if you make the final decision to breastfeed your baby then make sure that you contact an IBCLC lactation consultant to be well informed before your journey starts. You can work on goals together to achieve the best for you and your baby.