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Exploring Baby-Led Weaning: My Top 7 Tips for a Successful and Safe Journey

Welcoming a new baby into your life is a time of joy, wonder, and discovery. One of the many exciting milestones on this journey, but also one of the most concerning for parents, is the introduction of solid foods. As a parent, you want to provide the best nutrition for your little one while fostering […]

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Why Mastitis Happens

Mastitis is a term that strikes a chord of concern for many breastfeeding mothers. It’s also a word that many women haven’t heard of before becoming new mothers. Mastitis is a condition that can turn what should be a joyful bonding experience with your baby into a painful and frustrating ordeal. Interestingly, statistics show that […]

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When Breastfeeding, How Often Should I Pump?

The question of pumping frequency while breastfeeding is a common query that arises during many of my consultations. Mothers often express concerns about pumping’s impact on their babies’ milk intake, fearing that pumping too close to a feed might lead to inadequate milk supply. In light of these concerns, I thought it would be beneficial […]

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