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How Should I Store my Breast Milk?: “My Top 5 Tips for Storing Breast Milk Safely”

Breast milk is often referred to as a gold liquid for infants. It’s not just a source of nourishment; it’s also a potent provider of essential nutrients, antibodies, and a strong foundation for your baby’s healthy growth.  Whether you’re a working mother or just looking to have some extra milk available for when you need […]

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Breastfeeding Babies During Summer: Tips for a Happy and Hydrated Mother and Baby

As the summer heat rolls in, it’s important for you as a new mother to pay extra attention to the well-being of your breastfeeding baby. With nice weather and summer holidays, your routine is probably going to change, and so is your baby’s routine, especially your breastfeeding routine.  As I have previously discussed in this […]

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Swaddling your Baby: My “Top 8” Tips for Safe Swaddling

Swaddling babies was a normal practice before the XVII century, and it remains a common practice in many cultures around the world. For cultures such as Oriental, African, and Latin-American, swaddling and carrying babies is a part of their lifestyle, as they believe it offers security and protection to their infants. Now, let’s talk about […]

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