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Understanding Reflux: What is the Best Position to Breastfeed a baby with Reflux? 

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and essential bonding experience between a mother and a baby. However, for some babies dealing with reflux, this cherished time can become a source of discomfort and distress.  Reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), is a common condition that affects many babies during their early months of life. For breastfeeding mothers, […]

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Breastfeeding Babies During Summer: Tips for a Happy and Hydrated Mother and Baby

As the summer heat rolls in, it’s important for you as a new mother to pay extra attention to the well-being of your breastfeeding baby. With nice weather and summer holidays, your routine is probably going to change, and so is your baby’s routine, especially your breastfeeding routine.  As I have previously discussed in this […]

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How do I know if my Baby Needs a Top Up?

One of the things that mothers worry about the most, is if their babies are getting enough breast milk or if they need to top up with formula. It’s true that sometimes, babies need this top up for reasons that I’ll cover below, but the vast majority of them are unnecessary. The first thing that […]

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